Jumat, 29 Mei 2009

Award yang Pertama

Thank You so much....for Hero..who give this first ever Awards...: "One Lovely Blog Award"...
This award, is really really important as this is my first awards ever. Here is Hero's link.


This One Lovely Blog Award Rules :
- Accept the award, post it on your blog together with the name of the person who has granted the award, and his or her blog link.
- Pass the award to ten other blogs. Remember to contact the bloggers to let them know they have been chosen for this award

I like to pass on this Award to the following bloggers regardless of if they have it or not already. I want to give this award to my friends. Here they are:

Resep Masakan Indonesia, Search Money, Xpresi - Riau Blogger, Tutorial Joomla, July 15th, Gondes, Riding The Horse, One 4 All, Tips and Cara, Go Freeza, Marketing Tips

To those who do not have this award, you are all welcome to grab it. And for those whose names are not included here, please feel free to grab it too, cause this award is basically for all my friend out there. Enjoy!

6 komentar:

  1. thank friends for award. but, I was received this award for another blog. So .... would i must do now????
    I'm newbie in here....
    One-4-All & tipsandcara

  2. waduhh artinya apa yahh tuhh

  3. wah terima kasih awardnya,,saya simpan dulu ya mas. nanti saya posting soalnya lagi buru-buru nie..:)

  4. Termakasih, saya simpan dulu award nya kami sedang pulang kampung ke Sumatera

  5. selamat ya untuk ewotnya

  6. Sebelumnya terimakasih atas penghargaanya
    tetapi aku masih bingung terus aku nulis apa ya mas di blog ku
